Saturday, June 30, 2018


It all started as a thought experiment: why isn't Asimov's inspirational Foundation story already on the screen? Either as a movie, trilogy, miniseries, or full-fledged series?

The source, as often happens, is old and shows its age. Rewording, tweaking, translating the original texts will be needed. Some bits could be fleshed out. But the message is as clear and timely as always.

What would it take to bring the old fable to modern audiences and get 'em into Seldon's grand Plan? Can the essence be preserved, even if the wrapping changes? How much?

It can't be that hard...

My experiments so far (in screenplay format):

  • In the old decadent Galactic Empire, a genius mathematician hatches a plan to preserve civilization: Psychohistorians. Concluded in The Plan.
  • The best laid plans meet harsh reality: Encyclopedia. Concluded in Knowledge.
  • The balance of powers tilts dangerously out of control: Mayor. Concluded in Power.
  • Outlaws, fast ships, dangerous Technologies. What could go wrong? Pirates! (original, not a re-imagining of any Asimov text)
  • Travel the Galaxy, make a difference, stem the tide: Agent 1. Continued in Agent 2. (original) (in the works)
  • Trading abroad? Not so easy! Hot Sale. (original)
  • A single man faces a whole planet in a life-or-death business: Traders.
  • Business. Politics. A new unexpectedly dangerous enemy. Who will prevail? Merchants. Concluded in Princes.
  • The Empire's greatest conqueror targets the Foundation. Resistance is futile! General. Concluded in Courtier.

What do you think? Feel free to leave your feedback in the Comments!

Update: Plaintext versions now available.


  1. You're not done, when can we expect the next update?

  2. Soon, I hope. I'm putting the finishing touches to 'Psychohistorians'
